Senin, 02 Mei 2016


By : Cindy Adeline & Elizabeth Tiffany

Our earth is broken now. There so many disasters such as floods in Indonesia, earthquakes in China, tsunami in Japan, volcano eruption in America, etc. It makes our earth getting worse and it makes our lives in danger. The ices in the poles are melting because the environment gets hotter than before. Factories and the vehicles that emit the carbon dioxide gas are the main causes that make global warming. And many people haven’t realized that our earth is going to break.
“If people still don’t care with our earth’s condition, we can’t live in this planet anymore and we need to find the new planet where we can live in it.” said the scientists. The scientists also predict that we will move to that planet. “Because there are no more hope to fix our earth that already broken as worse as this.”
We hope that in 2060, there will be more trees and kind gases. The transportation will not produce carbon dioxide gas, but produces kindly gas. The atmosphere will get better. And the global warming will lose forever.
The scientists will predict the disaster so the earth will not get broken. They will make green transport, so our atmosphere won’t get thinner. By 2060, we won’t go to the earth 2.0 or another planet.

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